We make your delicious treats kinder to the planet by...
- Sourcing cacao and coffee from growers who share our vision and values of nature conservation.
- Producing almost all our factory's electricity with zero emission roof-top solar panels.
- Designing our factory to use natural ventilation instead of air conditioning where possible.
- Offering free drinking water so our guests can avoid single use bottles.
- Offering vegetable milk to our guests with no extra cost.
- Promoting the use of reusable cups and shopping bags.
- Encouraging bicycle use by installing public bicycle stands.
- Supporting the turtle conservation program of Flora, Fauna y Cultura de México, A.C.
- Donating 30 trap cameras to Jaguar Wildlife Center, A.C. to record the movements of jaguars and other wildlife in Quintana Roo, Mexico.
- Making our team's t-shirts with 100% recycled materials from Rewear Sustainable Wear.
- Participating in regular beach cleaning initiatives to encourage sea turtle nesting.
- Partnering with Conservation International in Mexico to help farmers grow cacao using sustainable practices.
- Developing environmental education materials with Flora, fauna y cultura de México, A.C. for use in schools in Mexico.
Ah Cacao's efforts to bring joy to all life were recognized with the distinction "Empresa Socialmente Responsable" (Socially Responsible Company) in 2012.

Ah Cacao's 10 ECO-challanges
- I used my bicycle or walked instead of using a car.
- I avoided single-use bottled water.
- I reused my shopping bag.
- I ate less meat.
- I turned off and disconnected devices not being used.
- I separated my waste.
- I turned off the air conditioning.
- I changed to LED lighting.
- I supported an environmental organization.
- I inspired someone else to take on this challange.
The materials on this page may be used freely for educational purposes.